About Alaska Native Languages.org
Welcome to alaskanativelanguages.org, a educational resource for learning, teaching and promoting Alaska Native languages. This site is intended for learners and teachers of Alaska Native languages or anyone who is curious to learn more.
Feel free to explore the site to learn more about Alaska Native Languages and History or view the Languages section to learn more about specific languages and listen to some common phrases.
Qaĝaasakung, Quyana, Quyanaq, Quyanaa, Haw'aa, Nt'oyaxsn, Gunalchéesh, Tsin'aen, Dogidinh, Mahsi', Baasee', Basi', Chin'an, Tsin'ęę, Tsen'įį, 'Awa'ahdah, Xasagidaghisdhoot, Thank you!
Quyana to the Alaska Humanities Forum for the original funding and all the contributors to the site including Myles Creed, Veri diSuvero, Moses Dirks, Loren Anderson, Alice Hess, Mattox Metcalf, Raymond Ipalook, Marilyn Balluta, Elizabeth Keating, Dewey Kketheyo Hoffman, Rochelle Adams, Grant Rebne, Nae Brown, Marcella Se'iga Liimii Asicksik, Susie Edwardson, Linda Schrack, Jeane T'áaw xíwaa Breinig, Ph.D., Edna Ahgeak MacLean, Ph.D., the Alaska Native Heritage Center, Title VII Indian Education, Alaska Native Language Preservation & Advisory Council and the Alaska Native Language Center for their assistance in creating content for this site.
Site editors are Myles Creed, Veri diSuvero and Cordelia Qiġñaaq Kellie. To volunteer to add content, become an editor, or for questions, please see our Contact page.
Images and maps are courtesy of the Alaska Native Language Center.
Krauss, Michael, Gary Holton, Jim Kerr, and Colin T. West. 2011. Indigenous Peoples and Languages of Alaska. Fairbanks and Anchorage: Alaska Native Language Center and UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research. Online: https://www.uaf.edu/anla/collections/map/